
Language Translator

Friday, June 29, 2007


One of the software that ihave been learn in my college to program the robot is using Workspace. There are three main methods to move a robot model using “Workspace”: with the Pendant, the Follow Mouse command or moving to GPs. Below is the Pendant in workspace in controlling the movement of the robot.

First method byusing the Pendant to move a robot model there are six joint values that can be change from 1 to 6. By changing the any value from 1 to 6 the corresponding joint moves. If the value beyond the limit of that joint, a warning error appears. By clicking button Home, the robot returns to its Home position. Second method, the robot moves to the position of the mouse click if it’s within reach, otherwise a warning is given in the message section of the pendant.

Second method is by Learn GP on the Pendant. A GP is set of axes in the main view port shown as green color axes in the picture and it’s listed in the GP folder of the robot. By clicking button Home, the robot returns to its Home position. The robot will returns to GP when select Move to by right click on the name of the GP.

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